Paynesville, 15.11.2018 - African Energy finished a two day training for solar dealers and installers in the Outreach Compound in Paynesville. One of the world’s leading companies in the renewable energy industry partnered with West Coast Energy and Energising Development (EnDev) to conduct a two day renewable energy training. Over 60 solar installers and dealers participated. 

On November 23, 2018, West Coast Energy was the first private sector company that hosted the Integrated Forum for Renewable Energy in Liberia (IFREL).

The red fire pot is an improved cook stove that is produced in Liberia by trained craftsman. The red fire pot keeps your kitchen clean, produces less smoke, good for your health, helps you too to save lot of money on charcoal and it is also environmental friendly and above all, it is fast in cooking.

Due to the poor electricity condition in Liberia, EnDev and WHH have decided to install solar lighting system in health facilities for safe delivery at night, Vortor Community Clinic in Bomi County has now benefited from a 1.3 KW solar installation.