Here will be an overview of vacancies and calls for expression of interest within the renewable energy sector in Liberia. If you want to publish a vacancy here please inform us under This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Consultant for Small Business Toolkit Development
Apply for a consultant to develop a SME Toolkit to support the businesses benefiting from the grant as well as the general Liberian private sector. To apply click this link.
Internship with Stockholm Environmental Institute in Kenya
SEI Africa offers an internship for people who wish to gain more knowledge and experience in the environment and development sector. SEI focuses on four key areas: Energy and climate change; Natural resources and ecosystems; Health and environment; and Sustainable urbanisation. There is also a communications team with expertise in project communication strategies, writing and social media. The internship is for six months, starting in January or July. A stipend of 500 USD per month can be provided.
More information and details to apply can be found here