Various vendors sell small solar products (Pico PV) such as solar lanterns or small solar home systems. Most are for providing light while many also have the capacity to charge phones. Some of those lamps come from neighboring countries and/or include cheap some low-quality products. However, more and more solar retailers or sales agents who organize themselves in the Liberia Energy Access Practitioner (LEAP) Network offer certified lighting global products.
LEAP Network Solar Retailers
Most of the LEAP retailers and sales agents are depicted below and their contact information can be found in the stakeholder network. TOTAL gas stations all over Liberia also sell some high-quality solar products.
The Rural and Renewable Energy Agency-Liberia (RREA), GIZ/EnDev and Mercy Corps collaborate in several development programs (e.g., LIRENAP, EnDev, LUL) to support these solar retailers and their sales agents across Liberia to build the market, organize themselves in the Liberia Energy Access Practioner (LEAP) Network and expand their businesses.
Roadshows and Energy Fairs
To create awareness, recruit new solar sales agents and boost the sales, RREA, Mercy Corps, GIZ/EnDev and the LEAP Network retailers collaborate to organize special events. In roadshows, renewable energy fairs or other special promotional activities at various locations, various retailers sell solar products for reduced prices.
Roadshows have been in Gbarnga, Monrovia and Buchanan. The first renewable energy fair was in April 2017 in Gbarnga, the second renewable energy fair will be June 5-10 in Ganta. More fairs are planned for other counties, continuing with Lofa and Gbarpolu.
To check for upcoming road shows or renewable energy fairs look at the Events calendar.