To become a member in the LEAP network, fill out this form and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Welcome to the LEAP network!
The Liberian Energy Access Practisioner (LEAP) network is the first association for private businesses in Liberia.
Our aim:
support, unify and grow the decentralized clean energy sector in Liberia & improve energy access for the rural and urban poor.
LEAP is the speaking outlet for private companies to improve their business opportunities in renewable energy in Liberia. With becoming a member at the LEAP you sign up for immediate support through support in stakeholder communication, invitations to events to network and increase the visibilty of your business, exchange of news in the renewable energy sector. We are hoping to have an influence on policy changes, positively influencing investment opportunities for your business.
Our structure:
The executive committee consists of the LEAP managment, that is voted for by the LEAP members every two years. The advisory board consists of governmental actors (RREA), civil society (EnDev, Mercy Corps) in spheres of technical assistance.
Our objectives are driven by the executive committee, guaranteering independent prioritizing and decision making.