A 46.1 km transmission line and 280 km distribution line is slated for construction in the corridors of the Roberts International Airport (RIA) in the greater Monrovia and Pleebo-Fish Town at the River Gee County. As part of the multi-donor Liberia Energy Efficiency and Access Project (LEEAP), these activities are scheduled to be done by the Liberian Electricity Corporation (LEC) between 2017 and 2019.
This planned expansion of distribution network in Great Monrovia and Bomi and connection of villages and towns in South East region will be complemented with capacity building and project management.
The project is estimated to cost around 43 million USD, which are available from a combination of loans (African Development Fund, Nigeria Trust Fund, Transition support Facility), grants (European Union Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund, Global Environment Facility), and a contribution from the Government of Liberia at 1.11 USD.