cost savings

  • There are many different types and designs of clean cookstoves all over the world to serve the particular conditions in different countries. The Red Fire Pot (RFP) is the clean cookstove designed for the Liberian cooking habits by the EnDev project. You find the RFP in Monrovia here.

  • In two office buildings in Monrovia, the Deutsche Gesellschaf fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) projects enjoy solar electricity without interruptions. While Energizing Development (EnDev) project has been using solar power since May 2015, GIZ health projects have started in April 2018.

    As GIZ staff in this video explain, using solar energy has various advantages.  It is not only friendly for the environment, saving CO2 emissions, it is also nice for the employees who don’t hear noise of a generator or smell the unhealthy smoke. Also, it can also save money on the long run.