Five days of ICT4Renewables training ended successfully on June 29th, 2018at the EnDev office, led by ICT expert and ICT4Renewavles developer Hamza Zbidi. Participants from Ministries, NGOs, EnDev and the private sector learned about EnDev-Collect App, EnDevCarto mapping tool, web portal and Renewables Liberia social media – the information and communication technology (ICT) tools of the ICT4Renewables toolbox.
The workshop was started with a fact finding mission to reflect on Renewable energy information needs. Other parts of the interactive training included data visualization by creating an interactive map, hands-on training sessions on how to create news articles and Facebook post, and technical details for designing and improving the Energizing Africa Android App for data collection.
Different stakeholders worked in small groups that later shared with each other their different learning points. Christina F. Blama from the Minsitry of Mines and Energy has participated in writing and publishing articles on the webpage .“I liked the workshop. It was an eye opener for me to see the importance of stakeholder involvement. I learnt a lot of things, especially about the energy potential in our country.“
Representatives of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, RREA, Mercy Corps, Welthungerhilfe, the Center for Renewable Energy Technologies and Alternative Energy, a private solar business, expressed their commitment to continuously contribute to the improvement of data collection, knowledge sharing and collaboration within a network and active multiple stakeholder group of Renewables-Liberia. The first meeting of this Renewables-Liberia working group is planned to be on July 14th, 2018.