The Renewable Energy Working Group for Liberia has been established by the Rural and Renewable Energy Agency (RREA). The second meeting for the group took place at the RREA on October 25, 2017.
Key stakeholders in the energy sector formed this working group to facilitate the implementation of the Liberian government's Rural Energy Strategy and Master Plan (RESMP) and to coordinate and consolidate all activities by government and partners. The REWG will serve to prevent overlap and duplication of activities and help ensure a more streamlined donor response to the RESMP’s directions and targets.
The inaugural meeting of the Renewable Energy Working Group (REWG) was held on September 22. RREA Executive Director, Mr. Augustus Goanue, Sr. chaired the meeting that was attended by 14 representatives of various stakeholders, including donors, development partners and government representatives.
The stakeholders are still finalizing details of the terms of reference of the REWG and have decided to hold monthly meetings; RREA will chair and be secretary of the Working Group. Any issues would be furthered as required by the RREA Board, and the Board would inform the President.
In the first meeting, RREA presented the RESMP, current situation and activities in Liberia. All present stakeholders such as USAID, EU, AfDB, MCA/MCC, Swedish Embassy, GIZ/EnDev informed each other about their current activities and plans. Various other issues such as clarifying roles and responsibilities and electricity concessions were also discussed. On the second meeting, updates were given and other relevant issues were discussed.
The next meeting will be in November.