improved cook stoves

  • There are many different types and designs of clean cookstoves all over the world to serve the particular conditions in different countries. The Red Fire Pot (RFP) is the clean cookstove designed for the Liberian cooking habits by the EnDev project. You find the RFP in Monrovia here.

  • Participants of the LEAP Launch

    On December 2nd, 2016 the Liberian Energy Access Practitioner Network (LEAP) was officially launched. The LEAP Launch has been organized by Mercy Corps as part of their EU project, "Light Up Liberia."

  • SJEDI Green Energy has launched an Improve Cook Stove in December, currently SJEDI is known to be one of the main distributors of improved cookstoves in Liberia with tremendous support from GIZ/EnDev in 2013.